Meet Shaun Brennan


Voyage Houston Staff | June 27, 2018

Today we’d like to introduce you to Shaun Brennan.

Every artist has a unique story. Can you briefly walk us through yours?
I started a Record label called Splice Records 4 years ago after working in video production for about 10 years under Splice of Life Productions. We currently work with Texas musicians that span through many genres of music. When people ask what kind of music represent, I often answer with, “We like the music to reflect our community in the fact that Houston is made up of many different people. We do not represent one genre but instead we represent them ALL and you may call us a ‘confused’ genre or music gumbo! Our sound can be best described as Gypsy-jazz rock n’ roll with a twist of soul, a splash of funk, a side of Honk-tonk, a dash of folky revivalist, mixed with elements of Third Coast and voodoo roots”! I know it’s a mouth full but it is always fun to say! As a label we manage bands and musicians, distribute their albums, direct their visual appearance while simultaneously curating concerts and festivals.

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Interview with River Revival Texas Music Festival Founder Shaun Brennan


Saturday At The Splice Records’ River Revival Music Fest